Thursday, August 28, 2008

Dr. Jansky and Me (34 weeks)

Yesterday was quick and painless. My blood pressure is back down to normal and Carson's heartbeat is strong! I also pre-registered at the hospital, so they say I'm all ready. I guess now we just keep waiting, and of course I keep visiting the doctor every week.


Erica said...

Yay! Your BP is down! Not long now, Amber. I'm so excited for you guys.

Shannon said...

I am so glad to hear about your blood pressure! Not long now. :)

Tyne said...

Hey Amber, congrats on your coming baby! Dr. Jansky is a great doctor. Hoping you are feeling okay in your last few weeks.

The Whinery Family said...

hey amber, i just came across your blog - congrats on the new baby! hope everything is going well!
- christine (bush) whinery :)