Monday, October 26, 2009

Up and Autumn

I love the fall and we've been enjoying everything it has to offer this year! Country Fairs, Fall Festivals, costumes, and of course Pumpkin Patches. Here are some pics from our annual trip to the neighborhood pumpkin patch -- Carson was only mildly interested in them, but mostly enjoyed tasting the different varieties of ... grass. Seriously, it was hilarious -- everytime we turned around, he was sticking it in his mouth and then spitting it out. Boys are so weird.

And for even more fun, click here to compare to last year!


stephanie said...

I have to say, little girls do it too! Seriously, we were looking at our pics from the pumpkin patch and in one of them she has a giant piece of grass hanging out of her mouth! How my father-in-law, mother-in-law and myself missed it is beyond me! :)

Courtney said...

i took me like 10 minutes to figure out your blog title. I was like, "Up and Autumn, Up and Autumn. OH....Up and Autumn!" It was like mad gab in my head. Gotta love the post-baby IQ.