Sunday, April 5, 2009

A new place to play

Mommy friends, HELP! Carson is in this new "bored" phase. It seems like all the old entertainment tricks have worn out. He's quickly outgrowing his exersaucer -- what once would guarantee 30 mins of free time is now down to 5 ... 10 at most. Sitting on his blanket w/ his toys is no longer fun. Even the TV seems to have lost its hypnotizing effects. What he seems to want most is for me to stand him up and let him balance all day long. Sadly, this doesn't lend itself to any other means of productivity during the day. Does he need new toys? Does he need new environments? Or is this a get over it and get through it phase? Any advice would be welcome!

In the mean time - he enjoyed playing in his crib for about half an hour the other day -- a new place to play.


Melissa said...

Amber! I am so glad you wrote a post about this! I will be coming back to see what other say - we are in the exact same place and I am going crazy. Pierson just wants us to entertain him or be held!

Beth LoSurdo said...

I just thought of y'all have a jumpster?? I borrowed one from my sister in law and Addison loved it!! It is one of those things that hangs from a door frame and the kids can jump around in might try that if Carson seems to be bored with his usual play spots.

Amber said...

The jumper sounds like a good idea - I'll ask around. I think what I've realized is that he's just becoming more social and doesn't like to be alone. I've been bringing the laptop down to the floor and doing other things by him and he seems great. We'll see if he likes watching mommy sweep today. He just wants to play -- which is a blast!

Unknown said...

I would say forget the productivity and enjoy this precious stage. And if you feel you must be productive, call his granny in Cypress to come get him.