Thursday, May 22, 2008

Our baby moves

I've been feeling movement in my belly for almost a month now, but it's getting more and more pronounced. In fact, this week, I can feel him from the outside almost daily. Last night the little guy was kickin around and even though Daniel had already fallen asleep, I grabbed his hand and put it on my belly so he could feel it for the first time!!!
The moment wasn't exactly all I had dreamed of, but maybe my expectations were a little unreasonable given Daniel's mellow personality. He sat there for a few seconds and was certainly entertained, and then said, "it's more like poking", then rolled over, and went back to sleep. :)
In Daniel's defense, he does remind me that he was, in fact, asleep and he didn't even remember saying that. So maybe those two can have another encounter at a more reasonable hour.

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