Thursday, May 8, 2008

Dr. Jansky and Me (month 5)

Well the results are in. The pregnancy poll showed 2:1 odds in favor of a boy and that's what we're having!!! This morning Daniel and I went for my monthly check-up and scheduled sonogram. The lab technician was dismayed that at first glance the baby was sleeping in a ball - so through much tossing and turning (on my part) and poking and prodding (on hers) we woke up the little guy and got him to show us his goods! Daniel was definitely beaming and loved watching him move around in my belly. It was cool b/c we could see all his different parts (not just the private ones). I really am thrilled to know we're having a son and am all the more excited for the little guy to come -- still 5 months away, though. Here are the pictures they sent us home with.

if you can't quite tell what you're looking at, he's looking straight on - the top of his face is on the right, and the rest of his body is on the left.

We haven't settled on a name yet, but we'll get serious about the decision now that we know for sure what we're having. Oh and many of you will be tickled to know that I've finally started putting some weight on - quite a bit this month, actually, so we'll see how much longer I keep that stat posted ;)

1 comment:

Beth LoSurdo said...

I am SO EXCITED for you!! I remember when we found out...that was so much fun! Now you have to pick a name :) Keep us updated...those pics were cool.