Friday, August 13, 2010

Carson can count to "yea"

Carson loves to count -- he's really into spotting numbers and identifying them. It's not that we're amazing parents and sit him down with flash cards or anything. It's just something that he's picked up on and likes to practice doing ... also, counting provides an instant distraction from times of moodiness. The really cute part is when he counts in spanish - yes, he's a bilingual genius (that's what I've been hinting around at). So today in the car, he counted to 10 (or should I say diez) a couple of times (with help) and it sounds something like this:
Daddy: uno
Carson: dos
Daddy: tres
Daddy: cuatro?
Carson: cato cinco
Daddy: seis
Carson: setay ocho nuve diez YEA!

He ended each time that way and we're wondering if he thinks "yea" is a number.


Lori said...

I think YEA! should totally be a number!

"What size are you looking for?" "YEA!"
"How many slices of pizza would you like?" "YEA!"
"How old are you?" "YEA!"
"How much longer till we get there?" "YEA! hours!"

Tech Transfer Girl said...

love this story! Thanks for sharing it.