Carson has now officially been "out" as long as he was "in". I remember when he was born thinking how I carried him for 9 months -- and that his 9 month "birthday" seemed so so far away. But here we are in the blink of an eye. And I tell ya, I can't afford much blinking these days because Carson is gone in an instant. When he's on the bed, he's making mad dashes for the edge of it. When he's on the ground, he's bee-lining for the nearest deadly object. I don't know how any kid lives to see their first birthday. Now that mine's mobile, I see the world as one giant death trap - waiting to devour my son. A special note to the Lord on this topic: thank you for your mercies and protection over my son. I know that it is by your grace alone that he avoids the life-threatening encounters presented to him throughout the day.
So we had our 9 month wellness today with Dr. Saenz and here's how it went
Length: 30 1/2 inches (95th percentile)
Weight: 21 lbs 8 oz (75th percentile)
Head Circumference: 46 1/2 cm (95th percentile)
He also had some blood work done which came back good and got a polio vaccination -- which reminds me of a very blog-worthy story, though it's not about Carson: When we were in college, Daniel told me that when he was little his dad told him that the strings on bananas would give him polio if he ate them -- so he meticulously picked off each string of every banana he ate until he was in like high school and realized his dad probably just made that up to mess with him. Why he never thought to verify that with his mom, or even ask his dad if he was serious, I'll never understand -- but I'm glad that he doesn't have to worry about de-stringing Carson's bananas for polio since they have shots for that now.
Okay, so long post -- let's get on with my little tradition
Claps his hands
Always stands to greet us in his crib each morning
Rarely sits still for more than 30 seconds
Signs for "more"
Opens and closes doors and drawers all day long
Napping twice a day pretty consistently
January and February, 2025
4 weeks ago