I've heard from many mommy friends that it's normal to see your baby completely change into almost a different person at specific intervals in his infancy - and I think Carson has undergone his 6 month transformation. Daniel and I can't take our eyes (or cameras) off of him this week, because everything about Carson seems like it's evolving.
1. He sits -- literally, I can leave him sitting in the living room playing while I do chores around the house - it's startling to come back and see him watching tv like a little boy (as seen above)
2. "Ba ba ba da da da da ba blah da EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" seems to be his constant conversation -- and cracks us up b/c we know, in his mind, he's talking just like us.
3. Dexterity: he reaches for everything, he wants to flip light switches, grab toys, his paci, and if you've found favor with him, various parts of your face :)
4. Food: he continues to like anything we put in his mouth -- sweet peas this week were a huge success!
5. Disposition: overall, Carson is as delightful as can be - as happy and smiley as ever -- I think we're gonna keep him!